Are you sensory sensitive?

Are you sensitive to light, noise, touch and medications in addition to having chronic pain such as fibromyalgia, or wide spread pain, moving pain (have you had pain in a number of different parts of your body over several years)? Dr. Dan Clauw, the Director of the Chronic Pain & Fatigue Center at the University of […]

Stop for Beauty

What stops you during your day to take a few breaths, and really look, or hear or smell something? For me it’s been yellow roses lately, beckoning to me right before I walk down the stairs. How often do you allow yourself to just stop when you notice something beautiful, or delicious, or touching? My […]

Driving comfortably

Having done a bit of driving lately, and adjusting to my husband’s “new” car, I was reminded to write about a favorite topic: getting comfortable and preventing pain while driving. My main premise: no matter how fancy the seats, they were probably not designed for you. I invite you to bring in additional props to […]

Pacing- a guest post

Here is an excellent article by fellow chronic pain blogger at The Princess in the Tower. It is such an important topic and gave me new ways to think about pacing. Please continue reading the even more important second part on her website, and check out her Facebook page. She offers information about chronic pain […]

Keep Dancing

It is summer. Time to be active outdoors, swim, garden and walk. There are also opportunities at farmers markets and other events to dance. Older folks like this gentleman are such an inspiration to me, I plan to still be dancing at that age. So please enjoy this video and keep moving. If you feel […]

Celebrating summer- a video

May you enjoy these flowers coming into full bloom. Take a few more moments to watch and allow your body to resonate with this opening to light. What is blooming near your home right now? Photo: Kerima Furniss, “From my garden”

Meeting daily life

I like to listen to talks by Tara Brach, meditation teacher and psychotherapist.  When the weather allows I do the weeding in my flower garden. This last talk touched on so many experiences and skills that I highly recommend listening to it. If you are working with meditation, or mindfulness, or meeting daily life with […]

Be a rainbow…

…in somebody else’s cloud. The inspiration for yoga class last Friday was this phrase by Maya Angelou, who had just died. It was a reminder to go looking for the rainbow on “grey days”, but also that we can add color to someone else’s day through a simple action, perhaps just even a smile, not […]

A break from your pain

Not all chronic pain is unrelenting 24/7, even if it often feels that way. For many of us who qualify for a CP diagnosis, there are periods of having little or no pain. If you feel that does not apply to you, please hold an open mind that it may in fact be a possibility. […]

Everything changes

Wow, this is my favorite photo of last year– and I have been waiting for the right topic to use it. Do you love and hate change? Opportunity knocks and we are terrified or exhilarated, like these baby ducks on leaving the nest. My dog waits patiently in her little round bed until I get […]