Kids love these…

Cow and cat meditating 1 blurr smallFinding the time and energy for meditation, yoga, imagery and some of the other ideas I suggest, may sound completely overwhelming if you are a parent. But what if you did these self-care techniques with your children? What if you could lower your stress level and your pain by sharing some of these activities with them? What if they help you have fun, creative and meaningful times together? Best of all, your children have something they can offer and do with youwhen you are having a bad day. They can suggest and share their favorite technique with you.

Careful, your kids may start reminding you to tap, meditate or do yoga.  Are you ready?


I just listened to the presentation by  Brad Yates about energy tapping with children. He even has an online book to teach children about tapping, that you may enjoy looking at together. Parents can tap on themselves, on their children, and with their children to calm everyone down, shift the mood, and yes lower your own or their pain while you are at it. Perhaps tapping with your child can help you figure out how tapping works for you–all in an interactive and playful way. More on tapping (EFT).

Guided Imagery:

Doing guided imagery with children is so easy– you are probably doing some already most days. Children respond especially well to suggestion, so learning how to phrase things and how to use imagery consciously and in positive ways is so helpful. You may find with some practice, that sharing imagery with your child will leave you more relaxed. You can consciously add imagery phrases that benefit you at the same time. Check out the Guided Imagery section, I just added a  link to a great website full of tips.


Children of all ages, starting as babies can love yoga, when it is introduced in a fun way. Teenagers can even go to a yoga class with you. Here is a video to inspire you.


Meditation– sometimes called “Quiet Time” is being taught in some schools and studies show that students have amazingly positive responses to spending just 10 minutes twice a day sitting together silently. Take a look at this article about the changes seen in this San Francisco high school. Sitting down to meditate with you child, even just for 5 minutes is a powerful shared activity, that teaches both you and them at the same time.


I recommend Rick Hanson article on teaching children mindfulness skills, that he calls Hardwiring Children’s happiness. Teaching your children will help you understand and use these concepts for yourself– and making a positive impact on your whole family.

Massage and Reiki:

I remember our children offering neck/shoulder massages to us occasionally and intuitively doing a great and effective job. My husband and I would rub our kids shoulders, forehead, or occasional tummy nightly for many years while tugging them into bed. Both of us benefited, felt nurtured, and were able to sleep more easily. And again just a few minutes routinely do so much good. According to the Gate Theory, lightly rubbing a painful area can alleviate pain, because pain signals travel slower than the sensations of the light touch or rub.

Touch, like imagery can often soothe instantly when applied at the right time. You can teach your child Reiki touch ( a simple laying on of hand, and allowing energy to flow through it), and allow them to help you.

Of course I could keep going. Shared art, dance, movement and so much more. Let yourself be inspired. And do take alone time as well when you can.