Chi Gong- breath and movement

pearl chiRecently I took a wonderful workshop combining chi gong, calligraphy and just plain loosening up, to bring more movement and creativity into my art work. I wanted to introduce you to a profound way to relax in just seconds that our presenter, Pearl Huang taught us. And I was lucky enough to find a video of her teaching an earlier local event online. She offers a brief sequence of her family’s Tai Chi form at minute 4:17. Pearl has a hugely energetic and inspiring presence, works 12 hours a day at 74 years old. I came away energized and relaxed at the same time.

Yes Breath
(minute 2:18)

You can experience and practice this relaxing breath by simply floating up your hands/arms in front of the body, comfortable breathing in through the nose, then saying out loud: YES as you lower your arms ( allow them to float down). Notice what happens as you do this. For one your jaw opens and relaxes. You also breathe out in a sustained way, which relaxes your nervous system (allow your S to make a hissing sound). Saying yes also gives your body a mental permission to relax in this moment. We practiced this just lifting the arms in front of the body, in the video you will see Pearl do this in a more circular way.

If you can do this standing, notice how Pearl uses a wider legged stance and is soft in the knees, stretching the body up a little when raising her arms, and sinking a little into the knees lowering them. If you look at more of this video, you will notice that she moves fluently like that doing her calligraphy and even while presenting. Her body is in constant fluent motion.

Finally the whole movement begins at the lower abdomen, the energy center, both hands lift together in the front of the body to open up to circle and float down saying YES. You can imagine bringing up the energy of earth, opening to the sky and bringing down cosmic energy. Enjoy!