
This section is designed for the beginner, and the not-so-successful meditator.

Meditation can become very helpful in managing pain. Much generic and not so helpful information is available these days. I have carefully chosen resources that address common meditation issues, because finding the right way to meditate is not so easy when you have chronic pain. I will explore a number of topics (also check in blog topics on the right) to help you be more successful. Meditation is worth it– scientific research has confirmed this, and most every religious and spiritual path on earth also recommends meditation.

An invitation to explore meditation

How to sit/recline for meditation

Difficulty meditating?

Meditation for chronic pain management: a website 

Christian Meditations

One of my favorite meditation recording:

One of my favorite Buddhist teachers is psychotherapist and meditation teacher Tara Brach. Her teaching is so clear and so compassionate. She offers hundreds of free talks and many meditations on her website

A particularly wonderful body-centered mediation, Coming Home to Presence is only 13 minutes long and it can be found here, along with dozens more:

I find that listening to a guided meditation helps me to focus. And I enjoy and benefit from the gentle teachings I receive in the process. These meditations are quite general and you do not need to be familiar with or interested in Buddhism to enjoy them.

It is available at the website of brother Steindl-Rast at