Authentic Movement

I put Authentic Movement in this section, because it is truly a deep form of psychological work if done in the right environment, and should be facilitated by a trained professional/therapist. There are group offerings or one can work with a dance therapist one-on-one.

Movement is done with eyes closed and a trained “witness” watching. Movement comes from the inside, no music, or other outside influence, but the person’s own impulses begin the movement. This can be anything from lying down and resting to moving fast, making sounds. Emotions often come up and direct, as well as respond to the movements. There are usually new experiences and insights, even in a brief session of just a few minutes.

Immediately afterward there is some individual processing through writing or drawing/painting- chalk pastels especially lend themselves to this (for your own record/process, no talent needed). After that the mover reports about her experience with the witness, and if she wishes, the witness will talk about what she has seen and experienced. These additional steps deepen and bring light into the felt experience, and add insight and clarity.

I have very much appreciated being able to do AM over a period of many years. Consistently during sessions I experience my body in new ways, and find completely new ways of moving– pretty amazing after taking dance classes for the past almost 30 years.

AM is especially useful for people with chronic pain, as one follows one’s body’s  impulses and wishes, and can move in the most pleasurable or easy ways despite pain. It trains this attention, and reveals new insights into the pain. Moving with the pain can be very helpful. I have had many sessions in which I had serious back pain, and found the process very helpful.

Here is one resource explaining more about Authentic Movement.